Thursday, January 26, 2012

Beluga Whales

There are 5 belugas at Sea World. Four adults and one baby named Pearl. Baby belugas are born gray or brown and fade to white when they are around 5 years old.
Belugas have teeth and eat fish and squid. Belugas are eaten by polar bears, killer whales and Arctic people. 
Belugas live in the Arctic and sub Arctic.  We could see belugas in the ocean when we lived in Anchorage.
Belugas are small whales. They are 13 - 20 feet long. Males weigh up to 3000 pounds and females up to 1900 pounds. 
Belugas are mammals. They can stay under water for about 15 minutes before they need to breathe air.

Belugas have a flexible neck so they can nod and shake their heads.
Belugas live in groups called pods. They communicate with whistles, clicks and clangs. They can also mimic sounds.
Belugas are shy. They do not have a dorsal fin. 
You can tell if a whale is a beluga by its white color and big foreheads called melons.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sam,

    Things at Oly high have been really lonely ever since you left. I miss you and I'm glad you're my friend.

    Your friend,
    Josh Hawley
