Friday, April 6, 2012

Iron Mountain

We hiked Iron Mountain. The hike is 3 miles to the top.  
At the top there is a telescope and a mail box.
There were lots of people and dogs on the trail. The hike starts off easy and then gets steep.
You can see the parking lot down below.
From the top you can see Mt. Woodson.
My dad says someone should put in a zipline to take you from the top back to your car. That sounds fun to me!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Pacific Beach

Pacific Beach is 3 miles from our RV. We go there to walk and ride our bikes. 

We see lots of sea birds and seaweed on the beach. 

Sometimes we go to watch sunset.

There is a hotel that is built over the water. 
There are lots surfers and parasurfers (some people call it kite surfing) at the beach. I went surfing at Pacific Beach.

The life guards drive on the beach. 
There is a statue of P. B. Pelican. 

On the sidewalk you can follow the pelican feet to do the P.B. Tango.
There is a big roller coaster but I have never gone on it. 
There is an old man named "Slo Mo" who roller blades on the boardwalk. He goes very slow and has music playing. He is very famous here. 

Pacific Beach is one of my favorite places to go.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Everywhere you go in San Diego you see seagulls. 

They are white, gray and black with a yellow beak. 

They can drink salt water from the bay and the ocean. 

They are meat eaters. One day we saw a seagull trying to open a bag of chips at SeaWorld. 

I think they will eat anything they can find.

They like to steal your food so you have to be careful. 

At SeaWorld they like to steal the fish people buy to feed the sea lions. 

At Mission Bay Park we see them dropping shells on the sidewalk trying to eat what is inside. 

They are loud, noisy birds.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mission Bay Park

First I want to say that we got snow. Not in San Diego but close by at Lake Morena.

OK, Mission Bay Park in one of my favorite places. It's not too far from us. 

On Sundays we used to see dancing rollerskaters but we haven't seen them this year. There are always lots of people at the park. On Sundays there are lots of parties. 

People fly kites. 
These guys said they were playing net soccer.
This guy shot a rope into the tree and started climbing.
Lots of people ride bikes like we do. 
There is always lots to see at the park and in the water.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Two baby takins were born at the zoo. One in January and one in February. They are very cute.
Takin rhymes with "rockin". They are mammals. They eat plants.
They look like animals made up of many animal parts.
They have the nose of a moose, the horns of a gnu,

the body of a cow and the hindquarters of a hyena. 
They are rock climbers and good jumpers. They can jump 6 feet high. Both males and females have horns.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cafe Coyote

On St. Patricks day we went to Cafe Coyote in Old Town.

It is the most popular Mexican restaurant in San Diego.

I ordered tacos. One chicken and 2 beef. They tasted good. 

Three men sang songs and played guitars around the restaurant. 

All the workers speak Spanish and most speak English. 

Two women rolled and cooked tortillas. 

One made green tortillas for St. Patricks day. People buy them from the street for 2 for a $1.00.

This is my plate later. The food is good!