Friday, March 30, 2012

Pacific Beach

Pacific Beach is 3 miles from our RV. We go there to walk and ride our bikes. 

We see lots of sea birds and seaweed on the beach. 

Sometimes we go to watch sunset.

There is a hotel that is built over the water. 
There are lots surfers and parasurfers (some people call it kite surfing) at the beach. I went surfing at Pacific Beach.

The life guards drive on the beach. 
There is a statue of P. B. Pelican. 

On the sidewalk you can follow the pelican feet to do the P.B. Tango.
There is a big roller coaster but I have never gone on it. 
There is an old man named "Slo Mo" who roller blades on the boardwalk. He goes very slow and has music playing. He is very famous here. 

Pacific Beach is one of my favorite places to go.

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