Tuesday, January 24, 2012


On rainy days we go to the snake house at the zoo.
Snakes are reptiles. they have long, thin bodies, no legs, no ears, no eyelids and are covered with scales.

When snakes get too big for their skin, they slither out of it. We watched a snake shed its skin.
 Snakes are cold blooded and need heat to stay warm. They cannot live in very cold places.

Snakes are meat eaters. Most snakes lay eggs.
Some snakes have venom, a poison to kill or hurt other animals or people.

The longest snake is a python. It can be 33 feet long. Longer than our RV! The shortest is the thread snake. It is 4.5 inches. The heaviest is the green anaconda. It can weigh up to 500 pounds.
Snakes can live up to 40 years.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam,
    I love snakes.
    We had a power outage on Thursday at 10:45 in the
    day time. It was 5 days without power.

    Love Zena Clauda Stusser
