Monday, January 30, 2012


Walruses are wrinkley. They are pink or brown. They have whiskers that look like a moustache.

 Their long whiskers help them find food. Their favorite food is clams. They can eat 10,000 small clams a day. 
They have lots of blubber to keep them warm in cold water. They live by the Arctic Circle. They are mammals. Mothers take care of their babies. Walruses can stay under water for 10 minutes. 

Walruses are loud!  They snort and bellow to each other.  They can weigh 3000 pounds. They are 7.5 to 11 feet long. They can live for 40 years.

Walruses have tusks that can grow 3 feet. Males and females have tusks. They use their tusks for pulling themselves out of water and breaking breathing holes in the ice. 

Walruses are slow swimmers. They can swim for hundreds of miles without stopping. I can never do that.
Walruses can learn to wave and blow kisses with their front flippers and shake hind flippers like they are dancing.

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