Friday, March 9, 2012

Blue Horizons Show

Bottlenose dolphins, pilot whales and birds are in the Blue Horizon show at SeaWorld. 
Bottlenose dolphins can jump up 16 feet, they can dive down 1200 feet, and can swim up to 25 miles per hour. Bottlenose dolphins can weigh 300-500 pounds and are 6 to 9 feet long. All bottlenose dolphins whistle and that's how you can tell them apart. In the show the dolphins wave,

dance with a girl, 


and pose. 

A man hangs on to the fin and gets pulled through the water. He also skis on 2 of them. It's pretty cool to watch.

One of the pilot whales is 49 years old. In the show they use their big tail to splash people,

carry a person on it's nose, 
they jump,

and pose.

There are also people in the show. They fly,

and dive,

and bungey jump.
Someday I want to be a diver in the show. Maybe I'll even be in the newspaper, magazines, and on the news! I will be a star!

My friend, Tim, who took me surfing helped to build the set of the Blue Horizon show.


  1. Hi Sam,

    I like the Blue Horizon show.

    I did 6 laps in the water at the YMCA.

    Love, Zena

  2. Hi Sam
    i miss you i hope you write back
    love josh

  3. Hi Sam, I went swimming with dolphins in Mexico.
    It was a long time ago. Love
