Thursday, March 15, 2012


Giant pandas are shy. They like be alone. They are from China. Their name in Chinese means large bear cat. They are black and white.
Giant pandas eat bamboo shoots and leaves. They eat fast and they eat a lot. They eat 12 hours a day! They have big flat teeth.

They are rare mammals. 

Females have babies once a year. They have 1 or 2 babies at a time. The babies weigh less than a cube of butter. 

In a zoo giant pandas can live for 30 years.

There is another panda called the Red panda but it is not related to the Giant panda. 

They are the same size as a cat. 

They like to stay in trees. 

Their tails are bushy with red and brown rings. 

They eat bamboo, insects and fruit. The zoo just put 2 of them by the Giant pandas.

1 comment:

  1. When we visited the Gray Fossil Site here in TN, we learned that red pandas thrived in these mountains about 4.5 million years ago. These fossils were only discovered in 2010!
