Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mormon Battalion Museum

This is one of my favorite museums. It has pictures of people that talk! 

It's funny to see. One soldier says "Pictures don't talk." Then another says "Or sneeze." And another says "Or shout!"

You go to different rooms to hear the story of the battalion. Captain Allen of the US Army came to ask 500 Mormon men to help fight in the war with Mexico. Brigham Young wasn't there when Captain Allen came and none of the Mormons wanted to join the battalion. Then Brigham Young told the men they should go because they would earn money to help their families move west. Almost 500 men and 33 women and 51 children went with the battalion. They marched from Iowa to Santa Fe. The war ended and they never had to fight. The men and some women marched from Santa Fe to San Diego building a wagon road for others to follow.

In one room you can dress up like the soldiers. You can carry a gun, a canteen for your water, a backpack and wear a hat. Most of the soldiers took their scriptures to read. 

At the museum you get your picture taken and then go outside to pan for gold, build bricks and do laundry.

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